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Tech Giants Collaborate on AI Research, Mind Blowing Stats and More

Catch Up On The Latest News, Tools, Research and Fun Facts

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Pre… ramble

The AI scene from the last week has been another bustling bombardment of business activity, news and controversy, research and innovation. Trying to provide a concise summary that still captures the major highlights is near impossible without drowning in the details. However, here’s a little of what’s been going down and some AI tools to hopefully make you smile/save you time and stress/make you more money.


NachoNacho: NachoNacho is an AI-powered tool for managing software subscriptions and expenses, offering discounts on popular business tools. It helps you track and optimize your subscription costs, manage licenses, and streamline your software procurement process.

Juicy News 📰

  • "Tech Giants Like Microsoft & Meta Assemble to Partner with US Govt on AI Research Program" - MSPoweruser reports on the collaboration between tech giants like Microsoft and Meta to partner with the US government on an AI research program. Read More

  • "Google’s Lumiere brings AI video closer to real than unreal" - Venture Beat reports “Five-second clips generated with Lumiere show how the AI tools can create video from a prompt with realistic motion” and explore more about the amazing video generation tool. Read More

  • "Researchers from UCLA, University of Washington, and Microsoft Introduce Breakthrough AI" - VentureBeat highlights a breakthrough AI developed by researchers from UCLA, University of Washington, and Microsoft that can answer multi-step questions. Read More

  • "Emerging Development Languages Shaping the Future of Software Development" - VentureBeat discusses the emerging development languages that are shaping the future of software development and their potential impact. Read More

  • "AI Breakthrough: You.com Debuts Advanced Question-Answering AI" - VentureBeat introduces You.com's advanced question-answering AI, which promises to revolutionize the way we search for information. Read More

  • "Meta Launches New Virtual Reality Headset" - VentureBeat reports on Meta's launch of a new virtual reality headset, offering users an immersive and interactive VR experience. Read More

  • "AI-Powered Chatbots Transforming Customer Service" - MSPoweruser explores how AI-powered chatbots are revolutionizing customer service by providing quick and efficient support to users. Read More

  • "The Future of E-commerce: Augmented Reality Shopping" - VentureBeat discusses the future of e-commerce with the integration of augmented reality, allowing customers to virtually try on products before making a purchase. Read More

  • "The Rise of No-Code/Low-Code Development Platforms" - VentureBeat explores the growing popularity of no-code/low-code development platforms, enabling individuals with limited coding knowledge to build applications. Read More

  • "AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care" - MSPoweruser discusses the transformative impact of AI in healthcare, from personalized treatment plans to early disease detection. Read More

  • "The Role of AI in Cybersecurity" - VentureBeat examines the role of AI in cybersecurity, highlighting how machine learning algorithms can detect and prevent cyber threats more effectively. Read More

  • "Italy's GDPR Enforcement Poses Challenges for OpenAI and ChatGPT" - This article explores the challenges faced by OpenAI and ChatGPT due to the enforcement of GDPR in Italy, highlighting the potential impact on data protection and AI operations. Read More

  • "China's AI Boom: A Look into the Rapid Growth of Artificial Intelligence in China" - Delve into the rapid growth of artificial intelligence in China, examining the country's AI boom, advancements, and the impact on various industries. Read More

  • "OpenAI Collaborates with Common Sense Media to Enhance AI Safety Measures" - Discover the collaboration between OpenAI and Common Sense Media, aimed at improving AI safety measures and ensuring responsible and ethical AI development. Read More

Research Corner 🧐

  • “LLaMA: Leveraging Language Models for Multimodal Analysis" - This research paper explores the integration of language models with multimodal analysis, unlocking new possibilities for understanding and interpreting complex data sets. Read More

  • "GPT-4: Advancements in Generative Pre-trained Transformers" - Discover the latest developments in generative pre-trained transformers with GPT-4, a cutting-edge model that pushes the boundaries of natural language generation and understanding. Read More

  • "Enhancing LLMs with Reinforcement Learning for Improved Dialogue Systems" - This research paper investigates the integration of reinforcement learning techniques into LLMs, leading to more interactive and context-aware dialogue systems. Read More

  • "Addressing Bias in LLMs: A Step Towards Ethical AI" - Learn about the efforts made to address bias in LLMs, ensuring fair and unbiased outcomes in AI applications. Read More

  • "LLMs for Medical Diagnosis: Improving Accuracy and Efficiency" - Explore how LLMs are revolutionizing medical diagnosis by leveraging vast amounts of data and providing accurate insights for healthcare professionals. Read More

By The Way 🤯

  • "The global AI market is expected to reach $190 billion by 2025" - With the increasing demand for AI technologies and applications, the global AI market is projected to reach a value of $190 billion by 2025, driven by advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Source

  • "In 2024, the number of connected IoT devices is predicted to exceed 41 billion" - As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, the number of connected devices is expected to surpass 41 billion by 2024, creating vast opportunities for AI integration and data-driven insights. Source

  • "AI is estimated to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030" - A report suggests that AI technologies and applications have the potential to contribute approximately $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, driving productivity gains, cost savings, and innovation across various sectors. Source

  • 86 percent of IT leaders expect generative AI to soon play a prominent role in their organizations, says Salesforce - With its ability to write code, troubleshoot complex technical issues and change the way we think about data, IT workers are among those who are most exposed to the potential benefits and challenges of AI. Source

Latest Tools(and Tech) 🤖

Bland AI - Programmable AI voice agents

Bland AI is a platform that offers programmable voice agents capable of handling millions of phone calls per day. It serves a wide range of industries, including real estate, healthcare, logistics, financial services, alternative data, small business, and prospecting. Users can program phone agents for any task and integrate live data into calls.

MagicBuddy - AI-Powered Personal Assistant

MagicBuddy is an AI-powered personal assistant that helps you manage your tasks, schedule, and reminders. It uses natural language processing to understand your commands and provide relevant information.

TextBlaze - AI Tool For Copywriting

TextBlaze is a powerful AI tool for copywriting. It helps you generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently. Whether you need blog posts, social media captions, or email newsletters, TextBlaze can assist you in creating engaging and persuasive copy.

Friz - AI-powered Tool For Image Editing

Friz is an AI-powered tool for image editing and enhancement. It offers a wide range of features, including filters, retouching tools, and advanced editing options. With Friz, you can transform your photos and make them more visually appealing.

Stockimag AI - All-in-One Design and Content Creation Tool

Also Making waves across X and social media is STOCKIMAG AI, which is an all-in-one design and content creation tool powered by AI, offering the generation of logos, illustrations, wallpapers, posters, and more. It aims to enhance the design process, saving time and money. Users can try it for free.

Trackier - AI-Powered Affiliate Marketing and Performance Tracking

Trackier is an AI-powered tool for affiliate marketing and performance tracking. It helps you manage and optimize your affiliate campaigns, track conversions, and analyze performance data to maximize your ROI.

Kustomer - AI-Powered Customer Service Platform

Kustomer is an AI-powered customer service platform. It offers advanced features such as automated ticket routing, sentiment analysis, and customer behavior tracking to provide personalized and efficient support to your customers.

Rendernet - AI-Powered 3D Rendering and Visualization

Making waves across X and social last week, Rendernet is an AI-powered tool for 3D rendering and visualization. It helps you create realistic and high-quality 3D images and animations for architectural designs, product prototypes, and more.

X Post/Tweet Of The Week 🐦

Word Of The Week 📖

GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks)

A class of machine learning models that learn to generate synthetic data by pitting two neural networks, the generator and the discriminator, against each other 🤼‍♂️


Art Generation🎨: StyleGAN, a GAN variant, creates stunning and realistic artworks. It learns from datasets of paintings to generate unique, visually appealing pieces.

DCGAN for Face Generation👤: Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGAN) excel in generating human faces. They've been used to create lifelike portraits, even of non-existent people.

That’s all folks 🥕

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